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  • Writer's pictureJeff

Wolvesfest done. Digsy played then went home for his Dinner...

We had a great time playing at Wolvefest thanks to organiser Shaun Ryan. Well organised and slick summer festival - although the weather was a bit unseasonal - more like December than June. The bands were great and the headline act The Sums were a revelation to us - Digsy the lead singer from 'Digsys Dinner' fame on the Definitely Maybe track was in his element dropping catchy indie tunes. His previous band Smaller didn't break mainstream in the 90s and he was friends with Noel Gallagher and Mark Coyle etc - NG playing on one of their tracks on the debut album in '96.

We went on after Digsy and went straight into Oasis song Columbia with no soundcheck as per the festival code!! We played our hour long set then the crowd got us to do an encore - we did Champagne Supernova then we were coerced into another so we got our West Midlands tribute Led Zeppelin track out of the vaults Rock and Roll which went down really well. Thanks to all who stuck around for our LATE appearance. We were on at 11pm - maybe a record for all of us individuals in the band.

Of course we learnt Digsys Dinner for the gig...but unfortunately we asked whether he was still in the venue but we think he went home for his dinner. Think it was lasagna.

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